Cold calling is one of those marketing tasks that is either loved or hated, usually the latter. Humans don’t like to be rejected, fear of the unknown is common, and imagining getting yelled at, then hung up on usually doesn’t rank high on our list of things we enjoy doing. Let’s face it, we also get tremendously annoyed when someone calls us up out of the blue to sell us something we most likely have no need for. The only thing we want to do is get off the call as fast as possible. Most people don’t like confrontation and have a hard time saying “No, thank you” right away, so they suffer through the pitch and try to get out of any commitment as fast as they can.
That being said, cold calling does work. But it has to be done right, and the key is preparation before you ever put your script next to you, pick up the phone and start dialing.
The secret is in the proper use of your marketing automation platform.
Technology can be your best ally, if you’ve taken the time to set up the software properly and by accurately defining what a lead is. If you can find people who are interested or have a requirement for what you’re selling, and you haven’t had any previous conversations with them, then cold calling will work.
Let me say this in a different way: Define what a lead is – market qualified, sales qualified – using your marketing automation and you’ll be more successful cold calling prospects to get them into your pipeline.
I don’t mean to make it sound simple; working with clients to nail down the conditions that make a marketing qualified lead convert to a sales qualified lead has been challenging. But it’s rewarding when you start hitting the mark more often with potential customers. Someone has visited your website and has done a few things that makes them qualified – downloaded a white paper, viewed a video or participated in a poll. Whatever they’ve done, that action shows you they are interested. Now all of a sudden, they’re not freezing ice cold, merely cool.
You should have confidence, knowing they are interested in what you sell, because they have a problem or requirement that needs to be addressed. Do enough cold calls, and soon you’ll see an increase in your pipeline. It’ll take persistence – don’t think just one phone call will do the trick. It could take four or more conversations, but be patient.
Measured Results Marketing knows how challenging it is to define leads that are meaningful. If you need help in fine tuning your marketing automation software to deliver the best leads for calling, let us help you get there. We’ve been through the agony of cold calling and are ready to help you gain more confidence in the leads marketing has passed on to you. Call us now at 571-606-3106 to learn more. Image courtesy